Annual Report for Retired Ministers
Please use the online form option. This allows you to type your information directly into a web-form. Once completed you just click the "Submit" button and your report submission is completed! The system should automatically send your email a copy of the submitted report. If you do not see this right away, please check your "junk" or "spam" folders before requesting a copy from the district office.
KC District ARMM - Church of the Nazarene
Association of Retired Ministers and Missionaries
Will Haworth Sr., President ~ Wayne LaForce, Co-President
Sharon Meek, Secretary ~ Dena Snowbarger, Treasurer

Our ARMM community typically meets the third Friday of each month at MNU's Cunningham Center. However, there are often times when the space is needed for a larger group and we adjust the day and place a few weeks in advance. Please feel free to reach out to ARMM President, Will Haworth Sr (click to send an email) for details and to receive regular updates.
Each December, we hold a larger Christmas Banquet that you will not want to miss! Get in touch with Will Haworth so you are included in all ARMM notices.
The meetings are also listed in the events section of the district newsletter. Click Here to subscribe to the district newsletter if you do not already receive that in your email.
Thank you for being a blessing to so many over your years of service and even into your retirement years. We, as a district, are blessed to have you involved and we pray the ARMM meetings and community support you through the meaningful relationships formed there.