Overnight Camps

Wheat State Camp in Augusta, KS (near Wichita)


Olathe College Church during District Assembly.


Packing List Link for all events


Camp 123

July 10th-12th

Note: to receive staff discount for a camper you must register yourself as staff/counselor first!


Register by June 1st


Register after June 1st


Registration will CLOSE on June 22nd @ 11:59pm

Register a Camper

Note: to receive staff discount for a camper you must register yourself as staff/counselor first!


Camp 45

July 6th-9th

Note: to receive staff discount for a camper you must register yourself as staff/counselor first!


Register by June 1st



Register after June 1st



Registration will CLOSE on June 22nd @ 11:59pm

Register a Camper

Note: to receive staff discount for a camper you must register yourself as staff/counselor first!

Counselor & Staff



Non-refundable application fee, $125 by June 1st. After June 1st a spot is not guarantted. 

(exception: if not selected as staff or counselor you will receive a refund minus your camper discount)   


Apply early as we have limited counselor and staff postions!



Parent, Grandparent or Legal Guardian of camper is invited to select a discount for 1 camper per camp adult attends.

123 Camp

$50 off registration fee

45 Camp

$75 off registration fee.


Clarifier: one discounted camper per guardian registration. A family with 2 campers attending the same camp must send 2 guardians to receive 2 discounts. 


Training- *Required*

 Thursday, TBD 7-9pm Location Westside Naz in Olathe, KS
Saturday, TBD 9-11 pm Location Westside Naz in Olathe, KS


Counselor & Staff Application


Day Camp

July 18th & 19th


Friday Only Cost

1st Child-$20/per day

Additional Children-$10/per day/per child

An additional $5 will be added for day of registrations

Saturday Only Cost

1st Child-$10/per day

Additional Children-$5/per day/per child

An additional $5 will be added for day of registrations


Camper & Counselor Application

***Discount for campers if guardian volunteers to serve at Day Camp!***

For more information: Pastor Jodi at jodi.lynn.light@gmail.com 


For additional camp questions contact the Camp Team at- kcdnazkids@kcdistrict.org