Please submit district, regional and global contributions through Funding the Mission

Contact Chris Nelson (KC District Treasurer) with any questions at cnelson@kcdistrict.org.

Giving Monthly Apportionments Made Easy

Funding the Mission    
The KC District is offering online payment process to contribute a local church's weekly/monthly apportionments. This process is easier, quicker and less paperwork. This process is offered through FundingtheMission.org. Each church has an account and access on this website.

Funding the Mission (FundingtheMission.org) is an online tool features the ability to calculate all your World Evangelism, Education, Pensions & Benefits and all the district entities (KC district, KC district Church Plant, NMI, NYI, and SDMI), when you simply report your total income. With this website you can complete tasks like giving online, tracking previous giving, requesting changes to transactions and much more! We want to provide you with as many resources as possible to make giving as easy as possible. To help you get acclimated to the application, the following documents are included.


For help with Funding the Mission please contact:


Stewardship Development

Phone: 1-800-544-8413

Email: Stewardship@nazarene.org


If at all possible, use the online Funding the Mission option.  If you must use this form, complete and send with check to District Treasurer.

Current KCD Giving Summary Reportdisplays the most recent report from the district and Funding the Mission.

June 2024-May 2025

How are these contribution amounts determined and what do they support? 





Nazarene Treasury System Training Video

Local Church Treasurer Information

English   Spanish

Record Retention Guide

English   Spanish


The District Finance Committee believes stewardship is a vital ingredient of Christian living. We further believe obedience is necessary to Christ’s command - to go, to be, and to do. This report reflects:

  1. Faith - in God and in the members of the Kansas City District.
  2. Plans - the proposed budget provides for growth and evangelism.
  3. Responsibility - to God and to you who consistently support the local church.
  4. Fairness - the Giving to Others Stewardship Plan is fair and equitable to all churches. All churches are called on to follow the Biblical model of tithes and offerings.
  5. Appreciation - the record of giving by Kansas City District Nazarenes is a cause for rejoicing. Kansas City District “Giving to Others Stewardship Plan”

The Giving to Others Stewardship Plan is based on God’s statute: “When you receive... the tithe I give you... You must present a tenth of that tithe as the Lord’s offering.” (Numbers 18:26) The committee recommends to the Assembly approval of a tithe and offering system of church apportionments in line with the adopted denominational system, Funding the Mission.

Since it is understood that the Biblical principle of “tithes and offerings” is both universally accepted by our churches and encouraged to be “tested” by God (Malachi 3:8-10), the Giving to Others Stewardship Fund will be a weekly tithe on all monies raised with the only exception being Faith Promise, world evangelism, and missions monies (see www.fundingthemission.org for what constitutes faith promise, world evangelism and missions monies) and an additional 4.0% offerings. These funds will be sent to the district treasurer who will divide each local church’s “Giving to Others” Fund monies according to the approved formula and then send the appropriate monies to the respective recipients.

The recommended formula from the Global Ministries Center and the Finance Committee of the Kansas City District for the Giving to Others Stewardship Plan will be:

WEF 5.5 %

Pensions and Benefits 2.25%

MNU 2.25%

District 3.15%

Church Planting 0.25%

District Auxiliaries 0.6 %

Total 14.00%


Giving to Others Stewardship Plan is based on a tithe and offerings (whether through Faith Promise, Easter and Thanksgiving Offerings, or some other planned missions giving). Churches are encouraged to develop and implement a plan for education and participation in global missions. Moreover, the church is encouraged to follow the Macedonian model in 2 Corinthians 8, where Paul writes that the believers: “are also filled with abundant joy, which has overflowed into rich generosity. For I can testify that they gave not only what they could afford, but far more. And they did it of their own free will.” (2 Corinthians 8:2b-3)

The definition of church income is: Any donation received by a church that qualifies as a charitable contribution; USA churches already evaluate every dollar that is deposited in their treasuries as either qualifying or non-qualifying for charitable contribution receipts; donations that qualify to appear on a charitable contribution receipt are to be included in church income.

Monies given to World Evangelism Fund (WEF) and approved Mission Specials should be recorded as church income; however, these funds will be subtracted from total church income before the percentage is applied for WEF (and in the USA... the percentages will be applied for P&B and EDU funds), examples include World Evangelism Fund and Ten Percent Mission Specials (mission offerings that raise funds for specific needs, connecting donors and ministry).

Most questions can be answered at www.fundingthemission.org.

Church treasurers are encouraged to continue to send monies for World Evangelism Fund, Pensions and Benefits, MidAmerica Nazarene University and the Kansas City District (including monies for SDMI, NMI and NYI) to the District Center.



Optimally, the tithe should be sent in every week. If your church operates best on a monthly basis, then send in the tithe payment monthly.



No. The local church treasurer should make out one check to the district reflecting the tithe and plus 4.0% offerings. The district office will then divide the monies and send them to the appropriate entities. Indication will need to be made what consists of the tithe and what monies are the 4.0% offerings.



The local church will have the ability to go to www.fundingthemission.org and locate the amount of participation based on the amount of total raised. The district will also post to the website periodically the participation levels of each church. Budgets will be considered paid in full when the local church pays a full 14.0% of the total income raised.