Camp 678

July 22th-26th, 2024

What comes to mind when you hear the word outsider?  Maybe you think of someone at school who is left out.  Maybe you think of a person no one wants to be friends with.  Maybe you think of somebody who is all alone.  Maybe sometimes you’ve felt like an outsider or know someone who has been an outsider.  

A simple definition of an outsider is someone who doesn’t belong.  We all can relate to the outsider because all of us have experienced being on the outside or feeling like we don’t belong.  

Did you know Jesus loves outsiders, seeks them out, and invites them to follow Him?  Jesus has compassion for people who don’t belong.  This summer at 678 Camp we are going to discover some amazing moments when Jesus encounters outsiders in the New Testament.  Come join us this summer as we experience a week of powerful, life-shaping moments together! 

Join us this Summer as Rev. Jana Burnham shares the amazing story of Jesus seeking and calling people who are outsiders.





To Keep our Camp costs down, we need some help with items for camp this year. Please, take a look at our amazon Wishlist.

Thank you for any help you can provide!

Amazon WishList:



Camp 9-12

June 3-7, 2024


What are you being influenced by? In the crazy world, we live there are a lot of things trying to grab your attention or influence you in a million different ways BUT come to Camp 9-12 to hear how God has been walking with you each step of the way guiding you...even when you didn't know it! Don't know about God, come to camp to hear more about our amazing God! Wondering how the church can be your community, come to camp to hear more! Excited to play games, worship with our amazing band, eat delicious food, have life-changing experiences, grow in your faith, make crazy awesome memories, and so much more...we can't wait to see you June 3rd to 7th at Camp Table Rock!

¿Qué te influye? En el mundo loco en el que vivimos, hay muchas cosas que intentan captar tu atención o influir en ti de un millón de maneras diferentes, VEN al Campamento 9-12 para escuchar cómo Dios ha estado caminando contigo en cada paso del camino. ..¡Incluso cuando no lo sabías! ¡No sabes acerca de Dios? ven al campamento para escuchar más acerca de nuestro maravilloso Dios! Si te preguntas cómo la iglesia puede ser su comunidad, ¡ven al campamento para escuchar más! Estamos emocionados de jugar, adorar con nuestra increíble banda, comer comida deliciosa, tener experiencias que te cambiarán la vida, crecer en tu fe, crear recuerdos increíbles y mucho más... estamos ansiosos por verte del 3 al 7 de junio. en el Campamento Table Rock!

Cost: $360 Early Bird by May 4th
$380 from May 5th to 24th
Leaders: $325


Register Here:
