Camp 678
July 22th-26th, 2024
What comes to mind when you hear the word outsider? Maybe you think of someone at school who is left out. Maybe you think of a person no one wants to be friends with. Maybe you think of somebody who is all alone. Maybe sometimes you’ve felt like an outsider or know someone who has been an outsider.
A simple definition of an outsider is someone who doesn’t belong. We all can relate to the outsider because all of us have experienced being on the outside or feeling like we don’t belong.
Did you know Jesus loves outsiders, seeks them out, and invites them to follow Him? Jesus has compassion for people who don’t belong. This summer at 678 Camp we are going to discover some amazing moments when Jesus encounters outsiders in the New Testament. Come join us this summer as we experience a week of powerful, life-shaping moments together!
Join us this Summer as Rev. Jana Burnham shares the amazing story of Jesus seeking and calling people who are outsiders.